
Manage talents with one click

Automatic collection of talents according to defined criteria

If the applicants are satisfied with the application process, they can "liken" their company side directly from the campaign in social media. This starts a recommendation marketing among applicants.

Meaningful profiles with keywords for easy search and management of talents

The talents themselves know best what the ideal application process looks like for them. Applicant surveys from not only give you an assessment of the status quo, but also a pool of suggestions whose importance the talents determine based on their 'likes' and give you tips for improvement. Short questionnaires to be answered by each unit increase the participation rate.

Automatic sending of messages for birthdays, Christmas or summer parties

Ideally, onboarding starts before the first working day. Pulse checks before and during the onboarding phase make it possible to monitor and optimize the entire process. The exit survey determines detailed reasons why employees leave the company.

Quality control of the application process in real time

Talents receive an invitation for a pulse survey at different times, which asks for all important criteria in the respective phase. Via smartphone they can answer the questions, contribute ideas and wishes.

  1. Contact: Invitation after sending the application; How did the talent become aware of the company // Which ideas were awakened (employer brand)
  2. Selection phase: Invitation after final selection interview; satisfaction with procedures and contacts
  3. Training phase: Invitation after two weeks & after three months; Satisfaction & Wishes for familiarization processes

Feature Overview

& Interfaces
& Analysis

Mobile capability

High participation rates due to mobile capability, via PC, tablet, smartphone


Employer Branding

Increase employer attractiveness through modern and smooth processes


One-Click Technology

Short surveys increase the participation rate



Language selection also enables non-native speakers to participate


GDPR Conformity

Secure and easy compliance with the currently applicable data protection regulations


Candidate Journey

In the application process, the factors relevant to success can be collected at different points in time


Talents' Feedback

Continuous process optimisation through first-hand answers to satisfaction


Real time analysis

View talent ratings, improvement ideas, and satisfaction in real time in the dashboard



Achieve high participation rates through gamification of short, mobile surveys



Visualise developments, trends and successes over time


Idea management

Asking talents for their own ideas and letting them 'like' the ideas of others


Campaign pool

Themes are turnkey, validated and ready for immediate use



Interview talents at key stages of the application process


Qualitative outcome analysis

Simple analysis through systematic marking and clustering of phrases


Quality assurance

Identify the needs of the talents, react and check the effectiveness of the measures



Enthusiastic talents can share their satisfaction directly on social media channels

Do we keep our promise?

What our customers say...

Ulrike Sophia Andraschak, Senior-Projektleiterin Performance und Talent Management Otto GmbH & Co KG, Referenz HRpuls Candidate Experience
Every month we receive an average of 2,000 applications from managers and experienced professionals, but also from university graduates, interns and trainees. We attach great importance to a professional, quick and transparent application process for all groups of candidates. With HRpuls we can measure and visualize the'Candidate Experience' in real time. This helps us to optimize our performance in recruitment and personnel marketing and to continuously improve the entire application process. The direct connection to Facebook and XING even increases our'likes' - that's why I always like to give one for HRpuls."

Ulrike Andraschak
Senior Project Manager Performance and Talent Management, Otto GmbH& Co KG

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