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How to determine your Digital Readiness

Recognise digitisation and be self-critical

Every company faces the challenge of restructuring and adapting its strategy, culture, organization and processes as well as preparing and training its employees in the course of digitization. Although each industry has different hurdles to overcome, the approach can be applied to many problems. Consumers have long been demanding a digital, innovative world, but the companies to which this claim applies often do not yet react with the necessary speed. Others serve as good role models today because they recognized years ago that a successful digitization strategy ensures their competitiveness. To become digital, you first need to know how digital you already are and what potential in the company may be untapped or needs to be built up.

Digital Readiness Kompetenzbereiche

Digitization as a task for management and executives

Digital change processes must extend across the entire company and cannot take place in isolated individual projects. All levels of a company are affected: Communication, HR, marketing, sales, production, managers, employees, customers,... and especially IT.

Digital potentials and risks should be integrated into business plans and brought in line with IT and the company vision.

Measure digital readiness

If a company decides to actively promote digitization, it must do so consistently and in the face of often unavoidable obstacles, complications and costs. The success of digitization processes should therefore be made visible in key figures. Due to the complex effects within a company, these key figures should be completely transparent for all parties involved. This is the only way to efficiently adapt to the constantly changing market.

Three levels of digital readiness


Employees should be agile with digital applications in their daily work. Essential for this are the abilities and skills as well as the level of knowledge and understanding of the employees, whereby they are enabled to deal with different problems. Employees who already have many digital skills can contribute as drivers of digitization. Employees who still have deficits can be further developed through appropriate training.


The mindset, i.e. the attitude towards digital change, is also a critical factor for successful digitization. Change projects in the course of digitalization require employees who are enthusiastic about new things and capable of change.


Digital restructuring means using other methods and tools. These include creative approaches such as design thinking, efficient methods such as SCRUM and digital solutions such as mobile business, clouds and big data.

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Digital Readiness Tips & TemplatesHRpuls
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Digital Readiness Tips & TemplatesHRpuls