vom 23.03. bis 24.03.2025 in Halle A1 Stand D.21
Simply satisfied and committed employees
Audited campaigns measure 'real' satisfaction and engagement
Employees can playfully carry out a pulse check via smartphone or PC. You can determine the order and duration of the survey cycles. In addition, questions can be changed or supplemented as needed. The campaign and idea pool developed by psychologists enables quick and regular participation, which steadily increases the participation rate.
Results can be called up and evaluated in real time per department
Through the ongoing use of the campaigns, you can measure the mood of your employees on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. As a manager, you can see satisfaction, engagement, digitalisation or the workload of your employees in real time and over time - differentiated by location, department or function. You get full transparency about your organisation.
The development and implementation of improvements is the responsibility of the employees
The 3-phase model of HRpuls enables your employees to independently identify areas of action for improvement, to make suggestions, to evaluate them and to implement them on their own. In this way, you establish a continuous improvement and development process and strengthen the employee experience in the long term.
The HRpuls 3-phase model
Pulse surveys, idea management and improvement projects - these three phases are run through sequentially. By using the campaign pool with different topics, a cycle is created that drives a continuous improvement and development process.
Functions at a glance
& Configuration
DSGVO compliance
Secure and easy compliance with the currently applicable data protection regulations
Campaign pool
Themes are turnkey, validated and ready to use
One-Click Technology
Configure pulse checks and launch campaigns at the touch of a button
Efficacy testing
Different perspectives and collection times allow for effectiveness testing
Access rights policy
Staff and managers only see the results they are supposed to see
Benchmarks can be used to determine and display internal and external comparisons of results
Real-time analysis
View results and improvement ideas in real time in the dashboard
Reminder function
Send and manage reminders for pulse checks via the system
Qualitative outcome analysis
Simple results analysis using systematic tagging and clustering of terms
Quality assurance
Identify workers' needs, respond and review the effectiveness of interventions
Employee Experience
Keep track of factors relevant to success over the employees' employment period
Engagement index
Record engagement as a driver of corporate success and identify areas for action
Idea management
Employees can independently submit improvement ideas and 'like'
those of other employees.Net promoter score
Regular surveys of the NPS give indications of improvement and deterioration
Satisfaction measurement
Measure satisfaction of all employees
Get high participation rates via gamification of short, mobile surveys
Task management
Improve participation by including it in daily to-do's
Language selection enables smooth interviews
Employee participation
Improve identified fields through employee participation
Mobile capability
High participation rates due to mobile capability, via PC, tablet, smartphone
What our customers say...
"As a media group, ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE finds itself in a very competitive and dynamic environment. In order to continue our success of the past years, our Executive Board attaches great importance to employee involvement in changes and a high level of commitment from everyone. HRpuls' pulse checks allow us to measure and increase satisfaction and engagement in real time. We achieve improvement through a downstream ideas and project phase in which employees can independently contribute and evaluate ideas. The ideas with the greatest agreement are implemented together, followed by another pulse check on a new topic. This agile approach is an ideal fit for ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE - this is how participation, satisfaction and commitment continuously increase."
Bettina Hörmann
Senior Vice President People Development, ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
"Open dialogue and self-responsibility are very important to us. HRpuls supports us very much in this, as we can determine the 'pulse' of our employees mobile and in real time. Through the downstream and transparent process of idea management and projects, the willingness to participate is also high - and with it the commitment of everyone to the joint change process."
Anneke Beiroth
Senior Manager Human Resources, XING SE
"Our founder attaches great importance to satisfied employees who identify emotionally with the company. To this day, he is personally committed to this issue. With more than 50 hotels in Europe, the survey and visualisation of satisfaction is a complex undertaking for us. The smart solution from HRpuls helps us to determine very high participation rates and meaningful results in real time, but above all to involve the employees in the implementation of improvements. In this way, we keep our finger on the pulse of our employees."
Kerstin Winkelmann
Head of Human Relations, Motel One GmbH
"Our organisation is growing rapidly and structured development is a prerequisite for our lasting business success. The HRpuls module supports us optimally in this, as we can continuously survey satisfaction across our locations. Employees are also empowered to organise themselves independently and to introduce, evaluate and implement suggestions for improvement. This enables a real participation of employees in change processes."
Dr. Alexander Kirstein
Chairman of the Management Board, G.A.R.D. Management company for ambulance and rescue service mbH