Training measures that have an impact
Simple controlling of trainings
Thanks to a clear authorisation system, HR managers, executives and trainers have access to the administration and evaluation of trainings. This makes it easy for them to manage and administer training. The central storage of information enables lean processes, reduces communication channels and saves time for administrative tasks.

Effectiveness testing of training (360°)
The expectations and experiences of participants, trainers and clients can be recorded by providing participants, trainers and clients with a link to take part in a pulse check. Satisfaction, wishes and suggestions for improvement can be entered quickly and easily via a smartphone or PC.

Messung der Erwartung, Erfahrung und Transferleistung in Echtzeit
Participants and clients (e.g. managers) receive an invitation for a pulse survey immediately before the training, which determines the expectations of the training. The questions can be answered via a smartphone. After the training, the participants and trainers answer questions about their satisfaction with the trainer, the training content and the course of the training. Additional ideas and wishes can be expressed via the evaluation. In order to determine the transfer success of what has been learned for everyday work, a third pulse survey is sent to all participants and clients three months after the training.

Functions at a glance
& Configuration
DSGVO compliance
Secure and easy compliance with the currently applicable data protection regulations
Real-time analysis
Reports and KPI's are always available due to the constant updating of data
Mobile capability
High participation rates due to mobile capability, via PC, tablet, smartphone
Online document management
Manage certificates and attestations online, digitally and centrally
Accessibility maintenance
A user-friendly authorisation system ensures data protection and user-friendliness
Identify and present internal and external comparisons to results
Campaign pool
Themes are turnkey, validated and ready to use
Employer Branding
Increase employer attractiveness through modern and smooth processes
Visualise developments, trends and successes over time
Qualitative outcome analysis
Simple results analysis via systematic tagging and clustering of terms
Automation & Optimisation
Get a high participation rate with short, mobile surveys
idea management
Submit ideas for improvement independently and 'like'
those of other employees.Mailings at the touch of a button
Create, manage and send customised mail templates
Efficacy testing
Different perspectives and collection times allow for effectiveness testing
Satisfaction measurement
Survey satisfaction with training among managers, participants and trainers
Reminder function
Reminders for participants to rate the training attended
Language selection enables smooth onboarding
Employee participation
Uncovering successes and problem areas in training by participants
One-Click Technology
Ease of implementation increases participation rates
Trainers, HR, managers and participants manage their appointments and content independently
What our customers say...
"Our organisation is growing rapidly and structured development is a prerequisite for our lasting business success. The HRpuls module supports us optimally, as the satisfaction of all participants can be queried and evaluated in real time. Participants can also complete the survey while on the move - a really popular feature in the age of smartphones."
Clemens Arnold-Hoffmann
Board member, IBB Institut für Berufliche Bildung AG